Thursday, September 15, 2016


2016... Jonsona's 2nd full year
of music production!
After this last album is released, Jonny will have 6 full studio albums with 65 tracks under his belt... not to mention all of the promo and music video work.
This article reflects on another interesting and heavy year, Jonsona's last 2 albums and the new upcoming album, "Soft" which will drop this late fall!

The entity of Jonsona was born into the internet world, September of 2014. Initially, this entity was created to sell music but if you were to look at Jonny's bank account, it is pretty obvious that that didn't work out. But there is more to life and art than money and although it remains very very frustrating that people won't acknowledge an art form or talent, the making of this art and music was necessary for the very survival of Jonsona... a spiritual and emotional musical journey! And 2016 was no different!

It's been another heavy year! 
2015 saw birth, death and had many heavy experiences hovering over it. 2016 had even more.
At the beginning of this year, as I was working on my Full Circle album, I had a possible cancer scare. As I still have not seen a doctor about that specifically, the physical problem I had that was the danger of causing cancer, has gone away, thanks to my diligence, so life went on.
Full Circle was kind of a raw, intense record that had many editing issues but at the time of its release, it was my best work... until my 5th album came out!
During the making of my Whisper Angel album this early summer... my family and I had a summer long battle with ghetto ass methed out people, ruining our neighborhood but with the help of the mayor, the police, the city and our neighbors, we nipped that in the bud!
Then, our yard cat that I adored, got mauled to death by a dog. I was just devastated by that!
Next, my friend Lonnie passed away. Although I hadn't seen him in many many years... since we were struggling with the same health issues (the very issue that almost killed me 2 years ago), he was my strength! What helped me survive is that "if he can survive this, all of this time, so can I" - then... he died this year! A major blow.
Not long after that, I found out that the only love of my life (although we haven't been in touch since 2013 - we were together for 4 years from 1994 to 1997 and have seen each other many times since then) died unexpectedly at age 56.
Another huge blow to me!
I was already struggling this year with a bit of depression due to every one and thing I love, getting older and reminding me that more difficult change is to come and the end is getting closer (myself included) and the usual, just trying to deal with a totally fucked up world and then all of that death... all of this combined, majorly slowed down the production of the Whisper Angel album but the album also became my very best work of all and a relatively spiritual album in many regards, because of this summer's experiences, all that I have previously mentioned and the time that I took on it - no rushing!
Now, the fall approaches and I wanted to do one more full album. I chose the name "Soft" because I feel more humble, my soul feels a bit softer than it did at this year's beginning and although this album starts off a bit raw, it transitions from beginning to end, from hard to soft, and well... hence the name of the album - SOFT.
All of my albums tend to be on the "dark side" and Soft is no different but it does have a lighter tone than the last 2 albums did.
Soft is going to be my last album of the year but also the last full album that I will produce, for a long time. I won't say... last one EVER but I am kind of burnt out on album making and I want to try new things next year, under the Jonsona brand of course, that are less time consuming and difficult than full albums and full music videos.
Nothing is set in stone for 2017 but I want to get back to some painting and visual art and some less complicated music and video making too, maybe all incorporated together and maybe "Jonny Poems" too!
Anyway, as my last album was full of heavy emotion and the closest to perfection that I have come as a musical artist, due in large part to taking so much time on it... this last album may not be quite as amazing as Whisper Angel but I am excited about it too and I would like to have it complete by sometime in November... and then a nice long rest and enjoyment of the holidays, is in store.
And seeing that the world is continuing to deteriorate and God only knows what's going to happen with this fucking joke of an election - hmmmm, lying murderous criminal cunt or psychotic millionaire, great choices huh? SMH - anyway... seeing that this is all happening like it is, I plan on continuing to get right with God, get my soul as right as I can and enjoy as much of what I am truly blessed with as I can because crazy world or just life in general, you never ever know when it might be your last day and I'll never be perfect but I want to be as good as I can be so I never have to come back to this planet and do this again! 
And as long as I am physically able and as long as the world is still even relatively functioning in a survivable capacity, I will continue to feed and nurture my soul with art, what ever kind it may be - painting, writing, music - I won't stop until I die!
So, fly high to those that I have loved or who affected my life so profoundly that have died, all my love to my family, true friends and animals that still breathe and live on this planet, peace love and light to the human race and so much love to my few but amazing fans!
I adore you!    -JONSONA

Soft's itinerary will be the usual routine...
PHOTOSHOOT to promote album
PROMO VIDEO to promote album


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